Welcome to Beitostølen Resort!
Book nowTransparency Act shall promote businesses’ respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services, and ensure the public has access to information about how businesses deal with negative consequences for basic human rights and decent working conditions.
In light of this, Beitostølen Resort is obliged to be open about its handling of basic human rights and decent working conditions in the supply chain, and in its own operations. It follows from the law that anyone who wants it has the right to information about the company’s work on this, as well as specific information relating to goods or services. This must be done by written request. If you wish to contact us for information about our work with the Openness Act, you can send an email to atle@beitostolen.com
. We encourage you to be as clear and specific as possible in your inquiry, so that we can provide a sufficient and good answer.
To ensure responsible business practices in Beitostølen Resort, and with our suppliers :
a. | Beitostølen Resort must follow the basic internationally recognized human rights that follow from, among other things, the UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights from 1966, the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights from 1966 and the ILO’s core conventions on fundamental rights and principles in working life. |
b. | Decent working conditions that safeguard basic human rights according to letter a and health, environment and safety in the workplace, and that provide a living wage. |
c. | Anyone in the chain of suppliers and subcontractors who supply or produce goods, services or other input factors that are included in Beitostølen Resort’s provision of services or production of goods from the raw material stage to the finished product. |
d. | By business partner is meant anyone who supplies goods or services directly to Beitostølen Resort, but who is not part of the supply chain. |
Beitostølen Resort must carry out due diligence assessments in line with the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies .
a. | Due diligence assessments are meant to anchor accountability in Beitostølen Resort’s guidelines |
b. | map and assess actual and potential negative consequences for basic human rights and decent working conditions that Beitostølen Resort has either caused or contributed to, or which are directly linked to Beitostølen Resort’s business operations, products or services through supply chains or business partners |
c. | implement suitable measures to stop, prevent or limit negative consequences based on our priorities and assessments according to letter b |
d. | monitor the implementation and results of measures according to letter c |
e. | communicate with affected stakeholders and rights holders about how negative consequences have been handled according to letters c and d |
f. | ensure or cooperate with recovery and compensation where this is required. |
Ethical guidelines and supplier follow-up
Social responsibility is a prerequisite for Beitostølen Resort. It is reflected in our value base, our business strategy and in our daily operations. Our mission is to make the world a slightly better place with the starting point of building a strong local community. Sustainable business practices are enshrined in Beitostølen Resort’s business statement and in our core values. At Beitostølen Resort, we are keen to run our business in such a way that we do not destroy those who come after us. We have a zero vision when it comes to emissions and work continuously to reduce the climate and environmental impact of the business. Since 2019, Beitostølen Resort via Radisson Blu Mountain Resort Beitostølen has been Environmental Lighthouse certified. National certificate no. 9167. Beitostølen Resort was the first company in Norway to establish solar cells in a hotel in 2018. We have a responsibility to ensure that our suppliers around the world have good working conditions and a salary they can live on. A sustainable business practice is a prerequisite for sustainable development. Our aim is to use our influence to work for respect for human rights, ethical trade and sustainable production processes, both within the company and towards our business partners. Beitostølen Resort shall contribute to continuous training of key persons and business partners around the goals and principles in this policy. Together with our value base, the policy forms the basis for Beitostølen Resort’s sustainability work.
Beitostølen Resort’s value base
Business statement:
Through growth and profitability based on our value base, we gain financial resources to make the world a slightly better place. We secure the business and the workplaces, and we can inspire other businesses to operate sustainably.
Beitostølen – Norway’s leading year-round destination means being open 365 days a year. Offer year-round workplaces and year-round experiences for visitors. We must have pure enjoyment of nature.
Core values:
Heartfelt – Genuine – Generous
The UN’s sustainability goals
Sustainable development means that today’s generations meet their needs without destroying the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s joint action plan for sustainable development. At Beitostølen Resort, we work actively with the sustainability goals. The sustainability goals are closely linked and play into each other. Our due diligence assessment and opportunity to influence govern which areas are prioritized in Beitostølen Resort’s sustainability work.
Requirements for own business
Sustainable business practices are a prerequisite for sustainable development, and at Beitostølen Resort we recognize that our business practices can have a potential negative impact on people, society and the environment. At the same time, we see our potential to contribute to positive development in the supply chain. We set requirements for our suppliers’ sustainability work, and expect our suppliers and partners to follow the same approach. Beitostølen Resort’s due diligence assessments mean that we carry out risk assessments of negative impacts on people, society and the environment, and work to stop, prevent and reduce such impacts. The measures are continuously monitored and assessed, and communicated to those affected.
Responsible purchasing practices
Responsible purchasing practices are one of our most important tools in our work for sustainable business practices. Beitostølen Resort’s purchasing practices shall strengthen, and not undermine, suppliers’ ability to deliver on the requirements we set to ensure good conditions for people, society and the environment. Beitostølen Resort will consider ethical and environmental criteria when choosing suppliers. Fulfillment of these criteria is considered a competitive advantage. We always strive for long-term supplier relationships with suppliers who show a particular willingness and ability to work with positive development in the supply chain.
Supplier development and partnership
In dialogue with suppliers, we will, if necessary, consider contributing with relevant skills development or resources that enable our suppliers to comply with Beitostølen Resort’s requirements for conditions in the supply chain. In this way, we lay the foundation for a good collaboration with suppliers who show a particular willingness and ability to work with positive development for people, society and the environment in the supply chain.
Beitostølen Resort, including all employees, shall never offer or receive illegal or unjustified monetary gifts or other remuneration to obtain business or private benefits.
Countries under trade boycott
Beitostølen Resort, including our suppliers and partners, must avoid trading partners that have activities in countries that have been subject to a trade boycott by the UN and/or the Norwegian authorities.
Free trade union organization and worker representation
Beitostølen Resort supports the right to free trade union organization and other forms of democratically elected worker representation. We shall always seek to involve worker representatives and other relevant stakeholders in our work with sustainable business practices.
Requirements for relationships in the supply chain
We expect our suppliers and partners to work purposefully and systematically to comply with our guidelines for suppliers, including principles for sustainable business practices, which cover basic requirements for human rights, employee rights, anti-corruption, animal welfare and the environment. The principles for sustainable business practice are based on UN and ILO conventions, and address, among other things, requirements for working conditions, HSE, wages, contracts, freedom of trade union organization and the prohibition of forced labor and discrimination. The principles state minimum and not maximum standards and the legislation at the place of production must be respected. Where national laws and regulations cover the same subject as these guidelines, the highest standard shall apply. The guidelines apply to all employees and suppliers. Beitostølen Resort will continuously evaluate and improve guidelines and practices to facilitate suppliers and subcontractors in complying with these requirements. We will do this in dialogue with our suppliers and other stakeholders. If the supplier, after repeated enquiries, does not show the will or ability to comply with the guidelines for suppliers, termination of the contract may occur.
Climate and environment
Beitostølen Resort works to reduce negative climate and environmental impact throughout the value chain. In line with the precautionary principle, measures must be implemented to continuously minimize emissions of greenhouse gases and local pollution, the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides and to ensure sustainable resource extraction and management of water, sea, forest and land, and conservation of biological diversity . The production and use of natural resources must not contribute to destroying the resource and income base for indigenous people or other marginalized population groups.
Reporting equality and discrimination
The board and management have a strong focus on uncovering challenges with equality and discrimination and immediately implement measures to prevent discrimination, as well as being clear in communication how important equality is for the workplace and the working environment. In collaboration with employee representatives, the company works actively for increased equality and against discrimination in the company, and the board does not represent any conscious discrimination between the sexes, and it is the board’s opinion that there is also no discrimination that is contrary to the Act on gender equality. The company is aware that there should be no discrimination against individuals on the basis of gender, pregnancy, leave at birth or adoption, care duties, ethnic affiliation, religion, outlook on life, sexual orientation, impaired function, gender identity, age etc. The board is not aware of conditions of this nature in the company. There has been no discrimination or other obstacles to equality in the business. The management is focused on identifying risks through feedback culture and employee interviews. When employed, the individual signs ethical guidelines which are to counteract discrimination and contribute to increased equality and diversity in the business. All new employees receive training in equality and discrimination at Beitostølen School. Evaluation of the measures takes place annually in May.
Animal welfare
We set strict requirements for animal husbandry and animal ethics, which all our suppliers are obliged to follow.
Should circumstances arise where Beitostølen Resort’s activities are directly or indirectly connected with negative impact or damage to people, society or the environment, we will stop the activity and do our best to contribute to recovery. Where the supplier is responsible for the negative impact/damage, the supplier is also responsible for recovery. If Beitostølen Resort is associated with the negative impact through a business relationship (for example a supplier), Beitostølen Resort must use its influence to get the supplier who caused the damage to prevent or reduce the damage and have a dialogue about their responsibility for recovery.
Everyone who works in Beitostølen Resort is obliged to agree to this document. The management is responsible for reviewing the document regularly to reflect on our obligations in relation to good practice, and with a view to assessing new requirements.